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My old wireless keyboard/mouse combo (Microsoft 700) wore out and I bought a new combo today (Microsoft wireless keyboard 800 with wireless mouse 1000). When i plug in the usb adapter into the switch box in either the keyboard or mouse slot the keyboard works fine but the mouse will only move side to side and continually upward until you reach the top of the screen. Cannot move down or around at all. We thought the mouse was defective so we exchanged for another whole new set and same thing. The mouse does work when plugged directly into my laptop or pc but the purpose of having the switch box was to be able to use the same mouse/keyboard for both my desktop and mouse. Can you offer any help please? Thanks Thank you for your inquiry. Due to the varied nature of user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. That being said, wireless keyboard/mouse support is very hit and miss with KVMs. This is primarily due to the way in which wireless HIDs communicate. Wireless devices communicate in a very different manner than wired devices, with no standard protocols across manufacturers or even product families within a brand. These varying protocols may not play nicely with keyboard/mouse emulation through the KVM. (Emulation is used for hotkey functions and the like) Some things to try: 1. Try resetting the KVM by powering down all equipment, unplugging the power cord for 10 seconds, powering the switch back up, then the computers. 2. Connect the adapter to a USB peripheral sharing port, not the keyboard or mouse slot. See this IOGear Support question: 3. There is a new firmware version (4.2.416) available from IOGEAR that may address the issue: Other relevant thread: |
My printer works from computer 1 only Thank you for your inquiry. Due to the varied nature of user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. That being said, there are a few things to try. Please note, this KVM\'s USB hub switches focus independently of the KVM console. To switch the focus of the USB hub, try this Hot-key sequence: [SCROLL LOCK] [SCROLL LOCK] [U] [ENTER]. That should change the focus of the USB hub. Please see the manual for additional hot-key functions. You can also try these three options mentioned in the manual; 1. Power off all devices on the installation; power off the KVM switch; wait five seconds; then power up. 2. Unplug the device\'s USB cable from the USB port on the switch\'s rear panel, then plug it back in. 3. Use the USB Reset hotkey combination, to reset the USB ports (see manual). You can download the manual here: |