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I have a project where I need to Mirror the display of the Monitor which is connected to a DVR to a second Monitor located around 50m from the first Monitor. Can you please recommend a suitable device and provide configuration and technical details with pricing. Thanks Thank you for your inquiry. There are a number of options available for splitting and extending a video signal. The right solution will depend on a number of factors like the type of video signal (VGA, DVI, HDMI etc.), the resolution required, (1024x768, 1080p, etc.), additional signal transportation, (USB, audio, IR, RS232 etc.) and others. One possible solution, depending on the video signal and resolution required, might be the ST-C5V-300 - CAT5 VGA extender from NTI. This device will transport a 1600x1200 VGA signal up to 150 feet over standard CAT5e cable and has a local port. An application diagram, specifications and link to the product manual can be located here: For additional recommendations, please give us a call at 1-877-586-6654 or contact us via our online chat feature to discuss your project in greater detail. |
Hi I want to use 2 monitors and 2 computers with Keyboard and Mouse. However, I would like to use each computer across 2 monitors using the extended desktop available on Windows 8. So each of my computer uses both monitors. Is this possible with this device? Hello, and thank you for your inquiry. Yes, this device will allow you to share a single keyboard, mouse and dual DVI monitors with 2 computers. Please note however, it does require that the attached computers have two DVI video ports apiece. Also, the keyboard, mouse and two monitors are only available for the computer that has focus. |
Can you tell me if you meet te following spec and if you have the documentation to certify the approval? secure EAL4+ National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Common Criteria Certification Thank you for your inquiry. This particular KVM Switch does not meet the requirements for National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Common Criteria Certification. A listing of secure KVM switches can be found here: Some are evaluated to EAL2+, but many are evaluated to EAL4+. For the most part, the manufacturers can provide documentation to certify the approval upon request. A listing of 4-port models can be found here: A dual-monitor, dual-link 4-port secure DVI KVM with audio from Avocent can be viewed here: |