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Is there a specific monitor type required for this product to work properly? I have one HD monitor and another analog. Will the KVM switch recognize both? Thank you for your inquiry. This switch supports Dual Link DVI-I monitor connections. DVI-I is integrated digital and analog so it will support both. If the analog connection is VGA, you will need an adapter to convert to the DVI-I connection. |
I need a KVM switch to support 2 Dell monitors with DVI-D cables to a HP laptop with docking station and an HPZ620 desktop. Do you have a KVM switch that you can sell me that will support this? Thank you for your inquiry. We have not heard of any issues with this unit working with docking stations, and it should work fine (assuming all the right connections are available and other requirements are met). Please note however, that the laptop/docking station would need two separate video channels to drive both monitors (one video connection to the KVM will not suffice for both monitors). This is the case for any multi-monitor KVM. |
will this support dual monitors that are 5 megapixel resolution ? Thank you for your inquiry Typical size for 5 mega pixel monitors: 2480 x 2560 - GCS1644 supports up to 2650 x 1600 via Dual Link DVI. 5 mega pixels is higher than the max reesolutions supported vertically - the horizontal resolution would be supported. This means the KVM will default to the next highest resolution that is supported. |
What is the max refresh rate/FPS for this? Thank you for your inquiry. The GCS1642 has a refresh rate of 30Hz at 3840 x 2160 4K UHD. |