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Will this switch work with both Windows 95 and XP operating systems? According to our Belkin contact, yes, this switch is compatible. Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 2003 and previous versions are supported. | ||
Hi, I have a mix of 4 PC's. Some USB keyboard and mouse, some USB. I need a 4 port KVM that includes all the cables to make this work. What to you recommend? Thanks! For your setup, we would recommend The Avocent 4SV1000-001. You will need to buy 4x CBL0029/30/or 31 cables depending on the length you need. These cable are VGA USB and PS2. | ||
This product include cables? Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, Belkin SOHO KVM Cables now come included in the box with your KVM Switch. | ||
Will this unit work with a wireless keyboard & mouse? Thank you for your inquiry. Using wireless keyboards and mice is very hit or miss when it comes to KVMs. This is related to the very different way in which wireless peripherals communicate and a KVM\'s internal mouse/keyboard emulation. We cannot guarantee a particular wireless setup will work with a particular KVM. That being said, customers who attempt to use wireless keyboards and mice find Avocent switches, like this model:, to work best. Alternatively, we have heard of some success when using a KVM equipped with a USB hub in addition to the USB console connectors. However, this typically results in some loss of functionality in regards to Hotkey switching and other keyboard supported functions. Again, it is a hit or miss proposition and we cannot guarantee any switch will work. For best performance and compatibility, we always suggest wired keyboards and mice. | ||
Does this support 'keep alive' circuitry, to prevent mouse and kbd lockup? Thank you for your inquiry. Most KVMs will have some sort of keep alive function, however, we have been seeing issues with KVMs and Windows 7 compatibility where Windows 7 polls continuously for USB changes. If you are using the KVM in an environment with Windows 7 machines, we would recommend opting for a newer model that explicitly states Windows 7 compatibility. Please give us a call at 1-877-586-6654. | ||
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