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Are these limited to use with Belkin switches? or can I go remote machine -> Belkin adapter-> ethernet -> Belkin adapter -> TrippLite KVM Switch ? Thank you for your inquiry, Belkin OmniView SMB Server Interface Modules are only compatible with Belkin OmniView KVM Switches. KVM Dongles used with Cat5/6 KVM switches are almost always proprietary and designed for that specific KVM series; Please feel free to reach out to our sales experts for the correct KVM dongles to use with your TrippLite KVM Switch. |
How do you assign an ip address to this devise? Thank you for your inquiry. This particular dongle is used to attach a server to one of several Belkin OmniView SMB CAT5 KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) switches. The dongle itself would not have an IP address, it is simply a way to connect the server to the KVM switch. In that sense, it would share the IP address of the server. That being said, it is often possible and/or necessary to assign an IP address to the KVM switch itself (if it is an KVM-over-IP switch), depending on the model. The procedure for accessing the administration control panel may be different for each KVM model. For your reference, linked below is a manual for the Belkin OmniView SMB CAT5 216/232 series of IP KVM Switches (F1DP216A and F1DP232A) that explains the procedure for setting up the IP address on page 13 (15th actual page). Directly download the PDF user guide here: or visit the download page here: To locate a user guide for a different Belkin KVM switch model, please visit Belkin\'s support site located here: |