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Could this be used with an hdmi to Devi adapter used on a new Mac mini? The other cable goes to a g-5 computer. Thank you for your inquiry. This particular KVM uses analog VGA for the video connection. To use either a DVI-D or an HDMI adapter, the signal would need to be first converted to a digital video signal. Unfortunately, a simple VGA to DVI then DVI to HDMI conversion would not work. We would also note this KVM requires PS/2 connectivity and while converting USB to PS/2 is generally okay, going from PS/2 to USB can be tricky and often requires a special active converter. Ideally, the KVM Switch setup would have as little conversion as possible. For an HDMI KVM, you may want to check out this page: A selection of 2-port DVI KVMs can be found on this page: The important thing to keep in mind is that, in general, a KVM switch will use either an analog signal or digital video signal; and cannot convert one to the other (even the switches that support both VGA and DVI will only use one standard). So, selecting the appropriate KVM will depend on what signal you want delivered to the monitor. If the monitor uses a digital signal (DVI-D, HDMI, DisplayPort), the G5 would need to provide a digital signal, most likely through a video card upgrade. If on the other hand the monitor supports analog signals (VGA, DVI-A), then a converter from HDMI or Thunderbolt to VGA for the Mac mini would be appropriate. |