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Hello, I'm looking for a KVM Switch for using a Mac Pro and a PC (GeForce GTX Titan X) on my Apple Cinema Display 27inch (no Thunderbolt).Will this device work? I don't want to lose any quality in my Resolution (2560 - 1440) Thank you for your inquiry, The Belkin F1DH102D supports up to 2560 x 1600 resolution at 85Hz - you will not loose any quality in resoltion, and your refresh rate will not be degraded (Apple Cinema display supports up to 60Hz). If you would like a KVM recommendation based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |
I'd like to use this to connect a Mac Pro and a PC to dual displays. Does this require an additional unit (like the Gefen DVI Detective N) to remember the EDID and maintain the resolutions and frequencies when switching back and forth? Several years ago I had a Gefen 2x2 DVI DL Swither which required two additional DVI Detective units. Thanks. Thank you for your inquiry, While some KVM switches, like the equivalent Aten CS1642 or the SmartAVI DVN-4Duo feature native EDID emulation, the Belkin F1DH102D does not. The Gefen DVI Detective N would also work for ensuring the video resolution and frequency of the F1DH102D (one unit per DVI port). If you would like a recommendation based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative. |