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I added another server but purchased another cable to plug into additional local console port for adding remote devices. However it does not display. Thank you for your inquiry. Due to the varied nature of user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. Having said that, if you don\'t have space on an existing Dual-Port Micro-Cable Kit to attach an additional server, you will need another dual-port cable kit for USB or PS/2 such as the F1D9400-06 ( ) or the F1D9401-06 ( ). This cable will plug into the next available "Hosts XX & YY" (where XX and YY are sequential number pairs from 1 to 16). The additional local console ports would be to add another keyboard, mouse and monitor setup to access the attached servers. For additional trouble shooting tips, please consult the F1DC108B-SR manual, which you can download here. |
Does this product support windows 2008 server environment? Thank you for your inquiry. The short answer is, yes it should. The attached Belkin OmniView PRO3 KVM is a hardware based solution, and as such, should work with a Windows 2008 Server Environment. The long answer, however, is a little more complicated. Some users are having issues with Windows 7 and certain KVMs due to the way in which Windows 7 continuously reads the EDID from attached monitors and constantly polls other devices such as keyboards and mice. While we have not heard of any issues with Server 2008, it is entirely possible that that OS displays the same issues since it is based on the same core. The manual for the KVM monitor drawer, as well as the PRO3 KVM itself, do not explicitly state Windows Server 2008 as a compatible OS in the specifications. Nor have we tested either with Windows Server 2008. It is entirely possible that the switch doesn\'t support Server 2008. We have placed an inquiry with Belkin, if we receive new information regarding compatibility, we will update this post. |
Will the following cable work with the KVM switch; db15 male --db15female 25 ft 3-in1 universal PS/2 KVM Cable: SVP23N1_25. I tried putting it in theadditional local console port on the back of the switch. Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, no, that cable will not work. The integrated PRO3 KVM requires proprietary cables. Additionally, if you are attaching a server, the proprietary cable will need to be plugged into the SCSI-50 dual-host ports. The console ports are strictly for adding an additional keyboard, mouse and monitor. |
I have one of these KVMs and need a manual to describe what key strokes are to enter the OSD. Thank you for your inquiry. You can download the manual for this device here: |
I need the cables for this switch. Where can I buy them? Thank you for your inquiry. The switch on the back of this unit requires the Belkin Dual-Port Micro-Cable Kit. PS/2 style cables are part number F1D9400-XX, and USB cables are F1D9401-XX (-xx represents a specific length). The 6 foot PS/2 version can be found here: and the 6 foot USB version here: |