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A potential client seems to Prefered AKCP to Enviromux. After a brief talk, he wanted me to come up with reason why he should buy environmux and not AKCP. Can you help with some of the sailent points to convinced the client.I am a managing partners in Zoe Systems Royal Ltd.A young ICT service company that is keen to grow via a reliable solution like yours.Please kindly assist as this is very urgent. Thanks Thank you for your inquiry. You may be better served by contacting NTI directly at |
is it pissible to add a Heat /Smoke Sensor, Voltage Sensor, and GSM Modem? Yes, this will support 2 temperature/humidity sensors. 5 digital inputs sensitive to contact closure. Two USB ports for connecting USB modem or for downloading log data to USB flash drive, and one USB console port for serial terminal interface. ENVIROMUX-SDS-CEPA - Smoke Detection Sensor - CE ENVIROMUX-SDS-PA - Smoke Detection Sensor - UL ENVIROMUX-TRH-x (x stands for distance 3,7,10,25 (in feet)) - Temperature/Humidity Combination Sensor ENVIROMUX-ACVD-515M - Standard US 120V 15A NEMA 5-15 plug ENVIROMUX-ACVD-C14M: Universal 250V IEC C14 socket ENVIROMUX-3GU - USB 3G Modem |
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