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does this item include the rack slides to install in rack and is the device connection USB to allow connection to USB KVM switch. Thank you for your inquiry. The slides are included. As long as the KVM switch accepts USB keyboard/mouse connections and VGA video, this console should work. The USB pass-through, for additional USB peripherals, may or may not work depending on the KVM Switch. |
can this do 8 computers? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, this unit will work with only 1 computer. To be used with 8 computers, you will need to find a rack console with an integrated KVM Switch. This unit, has several different integrated KVM options that can be selected from the option drop down box. |
ARE THESE IN STOCK? Thank you for your inquiry. For the most update-to-date availability information, please contact your KVM Switches Online representative directly by calling 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature. |
Dear Sir or Madam, is there any maintenance for the Colour Monitor "ECS19UWRUSB-001)? Cleaning and so on? Can you send me a Manual? Thank you very much for your efforts. Kind regards Alexander Fischll Thank you for your inquiry, Console drawers do not typically require any regular maintenace or cleaning. Occasionally vacuuming any excess dust out of the unit could be helpful for extending the mean-time-between-failure, but is not necessary. The ECS19UWRUSB-001 is discontinued as of April 2014 and thus no longer available. I would suggest the Raloy RWX119 as a replacement for that unit - RWX119 Manual. If you would like a recommendation based on your setup, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly at 1-877-586-6654, at, or via our online Chat functionality. |