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If I have one Computer and want to wirelessly connect and display the same thing on 4 HDTV's is this the switch I need? Thank you for your inquiry. This particular device will share a single keyboard and mouse setup, and 4 displays with up to 4 computers using DVI-D and USB cables. From what you describe, it sounds more like a video splitter/extension solution might be required. Which particular solution is needed, will depend on a number of factors. Please contact your KVM Switches Online representative via phone at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature to discuss your project in greater detail. |
does this also support 1 webcam, 1 printer, and 1 microphone Thank you for your inquiry. The DVN-4Quad will support two USB devices through the external USB hub. The hub supports transparent USB 2.0 pass through, so it should support all USB 2.0 devices. Unfortunately, there is no support for a microphone. |
I have 2 PCs running network monitoring software, with 3 monitors on 1 PC and 1 monitor on the other PC. Does this switch handle multiple monitors via KVM, or is it restricted due to oly having 1 interface ea between the KVM and the PC's? Thank you for your inquiry. This unit will support up to four monitors for each source. However, due to the nature of a KVM switch, only the active computer will have access to the four displays. If you need to simultaneously monitor the video output from both computers, you may be interested in a KM switch, which shares the keyboard and mouse but allows each individual PC to have its own monitors. One pretty popular KM switch is the CCS-PRO4: Additional KM switches can be found on this page: For additional recommendations, please contact your KVM Switches Online representative at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature to discuss your project in greater detail. |