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DSXA-8 SX8 maintence/user/specification/resource manual availability. Just got one, why EOL? Speed? Vulnerability? Faulty? Thank you for your inquiry. Files and documentation for the original Dominion SX series (of which the DSXA-8 is a member) can be found here: However, End-of-Sales for the original Dominion SX series was 04/01/2016 and end of support was 04/01/2018. The next generation is the Dominion SX II. The replacement for the DSXA-8 is the DSX2-8 ( Documentation for the newer SX II series can be found here: . The online help link is particularly useful: In terms of why the original Dominion SX series went EOL, it was most likely simply technology improvements. The original Dominion SX series debuted in the early to mid 2000\'s and to incorporate newer technology, Raritan designed a new platform. Here is a bit of information from the DSX2 FAQ ( page regarding the differences: "The SX II is the next-generation version of the current SX. SX II has an entirely new hardware and software design that is substantially more powerful and capable than the current SX. The SX II provides virtually all of the features of the SX, plus exciting new capabilities. Unlike the current SX, all SX models come with dual power supplies, dual LAN connections and multiple local connection options. The SX II comes in 4, 8, 16, 32 and 48 models, available with and without an internal telephone modem. Many of the management features are the same as those on the Dominion KX III" |