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Does this eliminate the need for a network switch and what speed is it at if so These KVMs are used to access servers, but do not function as a network switch. For instance, you can not use the KVM to setup a networked drive. This switch is designed to remotely manage up to 16 servers, PCs, or Macs as if you were right next to them from 1 keyboard, monitor and mouse (instead of 16). You simply tap into an IP address and you can access your servers over the internet. There is also a console to add a keyboard, monitor and mouse at the switch itself. Unfortunately this particular switch has been discontinued. Avocent replaced this KVM over IP line with their MergePoint Unity series. The replacement for this would be |
We have DSR2020 and DSR2010 on our data center but can not access them via http://, https://, ssh or telnet. Connection refused when accessing via ssh. Our DSView 3 Hub Server can change some data but without access the Console Server this ist meaningless. Any suggestion? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, due to the varying nature of user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple Q & A system. Having said that, browsing through the Avocent support community we ran across a thread where a user was getting a java exception when attempting to connect. The issue was caused by the local windows software firewall blocking Java. Perhaps a recent change/update to the computers is preventing the connection? For more detailed support we would recommend either contacting Avocent directly, or utilizing the Avocent support community: |
We have currently 15x DSR2010 and 4x CCM850, some ACS16 and some ACS8 and user DSView Version DSView We want to upgrate our DSView server to Version 4.x and have only licence without support. Is this possible to upgrade? What do we need to upgrade? Thank you for your inquiry. Please contact your KVM Switches Online representative toll free at 1-877-586-6654, to discuss upgrade paths. |
I need something similar with PS / 2, but my resolution is 1680x1050 in 16/9 format. I think this KVM switch does not work for this value. You have an idea for a KVM for my needs? Thank you for your inquiry. The Raritan DKX3-116 would supply you with a 16-Port IP KVM that supports a PS/2 K/M connection (VGA/PS2 Dongle)and 1680 x 1050 resolution. You may also want to walk through our simple to use KVM Selector to assist in locating a compatible KVM for your environment. If you would like a recommendation based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative |