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Using the DLX-216 I understand I need CIMs for each computer. Will the D2CIM-DVUSB-HDMI work? Do I need to purchase anything else? Software? Thank you for your inquir, The Raritan DLX-216 does indeed support the D2CIM HDMI dongles (D2CIM-DVUSB-HDMI). The DLX series is plug and play - no software, and no other accessories are needed besides the KVM dongles. |
Can virtual media CIMs utilize a USB stick plugged into one of the USB ports on the DLX-216 itself? Thank you for your inquiry, Targets with a Virtual Media CIM connected can indeed utilize a USB stick plugged into one of the USB ports on the DLX-216 itself. The back panel of each Raritan Dominion LX model, such as this DLX-216, features three USB 2.0 ports for supported USB devices. If you use two of these ports for local user station (i.e. a Keyboard and a Mouse), you set the USB profile of the third port on the model to accept a USB flash drive stick. You can also attach and mount virtual USB media devices remotely to the target servers. Up to two virtual media devices simultaneously can be mounted to a target. For example, you can mount a specific USB flash drive, use it, and then disconnect it when you are done. The virtual media "channel" will remain open, so that you can virtually mount another USB flash drive. These virtual media "channels" remain open until the KVM session is closed as long as the USB profile supports it. Note, you must use one of the following CIMs to use virtual media:For more information on the LX Virtual Media Prerequisites, USB profiles, connection & mounting methods, please refer to the Raritan DLX manual starting at page 82. |
I see that the DLX series is on End-Of-Life. Are there any plans to replace DLX-216 with a newer model like Raritan DLX2-216? Thank you for your inquiry, As of February 28th, 2019, the DLX-216 will be EOL\'d March 15th and be replaced by the new Raritan DLX2-series which should be released in Q4 2019. DLX series will continue to be supported beyond the release of DLX2, but older units will no longer be manufactured. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |
Will this switch support CAC card readers? Thank you for your inquiry, For CAC Smart Card Reader support, you will need to move the Raritan Dominion DKX3 series switches. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |