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Please choose a kvm switch with three years warranty, SNMP support with 8 ports Thank you for your inquiry. Please call us at 1-877-586-6654 to discuss your project further. | ||
Whether the KVM switch is a ruggged one and what is the operating temperature range? Thank you for your inquiry. Raritan is known for making high quality KVMs. That is not to say this KVM would support being handled rough. This KVM, like most KVMs, is built to be mounted in a rack where it will not experience sever shocks or environmental hazards. The operating temperature range is 32° (0°C) to 104° (40°C). | ||
We have a raritan Dominion LX (8 port). Can you advise if a cable exist that supports DVI or HDMI in lieu of VGA? Thank you for your inquiry. The Dominion LX series is compatible with the Dominion series of Computer Interface Modules (CIM), which include the D2CIM-DVUSB-DVI: (a href=\'\'> and the D2CIM-DVUSB-HDMI: ( Additional Dominion CIMs can be found here: ( Please note, this is purely to attach a DVI or HDMI enabled server to the DLX-108. There is no way at this time to attach an HDMI or DVI enabled monitor to the KVM itself. | ||
will this support 6 laptops monitor, keyboard, and mouse via an IP based connection? also how many cables does it come with? Thank you for your inquiry. In terms of a KVM over IP Switch, this unit will allow a single remote user to manage up to eight different computers over an IP connection. As long as the attached laptops meet the requirements for this switch, they should work. For the greatest flexibility, this particular model does not ship with any Computer Interface Modules (CIMs). If you are interested in a uni that comes with cables, the DLX-108-MPAC ( ships with eight 6.5 foot MCUTP20-USB cable CIMs. | ||
Is it possible to see a demo of this product? Thank you for your Inquiry, It absolutely is. For unaided IP access to a working instance you can test right from your computer, just signup using this form: . For another type of demonstration or test, please contact us ( and we can always try to cater to your needs. | ||
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