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Please provide GSA pricing / quote for 2 Raritan Dominion KX3-216
Hi Jin, we would gladly provide you with a GSA quote for two of the DKX3-216\'s. I have forwarded your information to sales and they will get back to asap. You are also welcome to contact us directly at 1-877-586-6654, at, or on Live Chat via the website, for any questions or concerns.
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Firmware for DKX3-216
Thank you for your inquiry,

You can find all the available Firmware and software for the DKX3-216, here.
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I see that there is the new DKX4 series 1-Port IP KVM coming out - Are there any plans to replace DKX3-216 with a newer model such as Raritan DKX4-216?
Thank you for your inquiry,

As of February 12th, 2018, Raritan does not currently have a public release plan for replacing the DKX3-216.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
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The DKX3-216 is being considered for use on a USAF network. Is it considered a "Secure" KVM and does it have any DoD credentials, i.e. Common Criteria Portal, NIST FIPS, etc?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The Raritan DKX3-216 indeed meets DoD security standards including: AES & FIPS 140-2 encryption, UL certification, Common Access Card (CAC) authentication, PIV, FIPS 201, HSPD-12 and IPv6 networking.
  • U.S. government agencies and the Department of Defense are now mandated to purchase IPv6-compatible products - The Raritan Dominion supports IPv6.
  • The Dominion KX III uses an embedded FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic module running on a Linux platform per FIPS 140-2 implementation guidelines. This cryptographic module is used for encryption of KVM session traffic consisting of video, keyboard, mouse, virtual media and smart card data.
  • The Dominion KX III also supports AES 256-bit and 128-bit encryption as recommended by the U.S. government’s NIST and FIPS standards Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for added security. The weaker RC4 encryption is no longer supported.
  • Please note that due to the specification of the protection profiles, NIAP Common Criteria certification is not really suitable for the evaluation against over-IP / network-attached switches or matrix switches. You can find a list of our Common Criteria Certified secure KVMs here.
Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
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