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I have been trying to find this answer for a few days, sorry i need help. Basically i want to use this to turn on a light. I want to use one of the inputs as a physical switch on. Is it possible to maybe have a momentary on button to change the state of the relay? Relay 1 is off, push button sends momentary on to input 1, in turn changes state of relay 1. Thank you for your patience. Here is the response we received from our Dataprobe contact: The latest revision of the ipio8 code (1.21.105) does support momentary as well as a pulse. The setup for it is in the remote setup section of the current manual on page 9. (We have uploaded the manual for your convenience) Each local input on the iPIO-8 can be used to activate one relay on remote iPIO-8 units. Program the Remote Relay section by selecting which remote relay will be controlled by each input. Select the relay number on the remote unit that will be controlled. The On Open and On Close setting allow the user to define the action that the remote relay will take when the input is open or closed. The choices are Open, Close or Pulse - Open and Pulse - Close. If Pulse - Open or Close is selected, the relay will momentarily take the state chosen (open or closed) for the duration specified in the Pulse column. So, you could program input 1 for "on close" to close relay 1. Then when with a momentary close on the input, the relay will close. Program input 1 "on open" to none so that when the input opens, relay one will stay closed. You will need another method to open the relay back up, as there is no toggle option. You could program input 2 "on close" to open relay 1 as a clear, or use the webpage to clear the relay, or even the DxP protocol and create a shortcut on a desktop to clear the relay. You could even use the input 1 "on close" pulse close with a delay, so the relay will clear itself after that delay. As for the light, we are closing a relay, and an LED on the unit will indicate the closure, but you will have to make the relay control a light. LED or low current kind of thing. There will be new code available for the iBoot-G2+ in a month or so that will allow a contact closure to toggle an AC outlet. |
Hello, i need an external power supply to use IPIO 8? Thank you for your inquiry, Dataprobe p/n PS-WRI-6 would be the external replacement power supply for the Dataprobe iPIO-8. Please let us know if would like a quote, or if there is anything else we can help you with! |