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Does this support 10-bit color at 2560x1440 @ 60Hz? Thank you for your inquiry, I have confirmed with the manufacturer that the D2H-4P does indeed support 10-bit color at 2560x1440 resolution (@60Hz). |
Am confused by the pictures/specifications for this switch. Some of the pictures show the video output as DisplayPort, others as HDMI -- could you please clarify? Thank you for your inquiry, The SmartAVI D2H-4P is actually designed as such; It\'s a 4 Port Dual Monitor DisplayPort (input) KVM Switch that outputs 2x HDMI signal. This is designed for applications where the source computers are DisplayPort, but the output needs to be HDMI (i.e. where the source computers are MACs, but your monitor is HDMI). If you would prefer a pure 4 Port Dual Monitor DisplayPort KVM Switch (DisplayPort in/out), you may want to consider the SmartAVI DPN-4PDUO. If you would prefer a pure 4 Port Dual Monitor HDMI KVM Switch (HDMI in/out), you may want to consider the SmartAVI DPN-4PDUO. |
What is the version of HDMI port? Does this thing support 4K 60Hz RGB(YCbCr 4:4:4) 10-bit output? Thank you for your inquiry, The SmartAVI D2H-4P features HDMI version 1.4. It would not however support that resolution combination. For KVM Switch that supports 4K 60Hz RGB (YCbCr 4:4:4) 10-bit, you may want to consider the Aten CS1924 as an alternative. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |
If this thing supports EDID emulation, does that mean the monitor on HDMI port doesn't flicker at all when switching, with zero latency? Thank you for your inquiry, The D2H-4P full EDID-assisted HDMI video emulation ensures visual workspaces and screen resolutions are remembered even when disconnected from monitors. That being said, it it\'s still typical with DisplayPort based KVM switches, such as this D2H-4P, to have a switching time of 1-5 seconds. if you are looking for faster switching speed, KVM switches based on video standards, such as HDMI-based KVM Switches, are typically faster at switching. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |