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Hi we would like to purchase 2 D2CIM-DVUSB-DVI connectors, Our office is in Hong Kong and we can pay for express shipping. Can you please send us a quotaton, payment method and lead time? Thanks Thank you for your inquiry. International orders are accepted on a case-by-case basis with a $1000 minimum and a $100 transaction fee. Also, note that we would require pre-payment via PayPal or wire transfer and both have additional fees associated. In addition, we require the use of a 3rd party shipping account to bill all shipping charges, customs, duties and fees. If you would like to proceed, please contact a KVM Switches Online sales representative at 1-877-586-6654. |
What size are the adapter cables D2CIM-DVUSB-DVI Thank you for your inquiry. According to the manufacturer, the dimensions for this unit are 1.7in x 3.5in x 0.8in; 43 x 90 x 19mm. We would suspect that is for the blue component the CATx cable is plugged into. In terms of the cables, that is a standard DVI connector and two standard Type-A USB connectors. Cable lengths appear to be approximately 6-8 inches in length, possibly as long as 12 inches for the USB cables. |
If I buy it today, will it arrive on Miami on monday? Thank you for your inquiry, As of 10.45am MT 07/06/2018 we have 351 units in-stock and ready to ship from NJ. If you place the order before noon MT, and with over-night shipping and we can do our best on getting the order to you by Monday. |
For dual monitors, is it required for two CIMs to be used? Thank you for your inquiry, That is correct - You can use two Raritan CIMs such as two of these D2CIM-DVUSB-DVI with newer Raritan switches such as the DKX3 series for dual monitor KVM. You can also mix and match different video types by using i.e. (1) DVI CIM and (1) DisplayPort CIM per source computer. The Raritan DKX3 series also allows you to map the two CIM ports together into \'Dual Monitor Follow Mode\', which automatically opens up all the relevant displays when connecting to a server. These dual monitor sessions can be opened up remotely via a web browser, or you can also use the new Raritan DKX3-UST user stations -which feature (2) DisplayPort and (1) HDMI video output- for controlling your source devices from a dedicated location. Please let us know if you would like any help with your application from a sales expert, or if there is anything else we can help you with! |