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will I used it as LAN router(wi-fi)? No, this switch does not function as a LAN Router. It needs direct access to up to 8 different computers to attach the appropriate cables (VGA and PS/2). Once connected to the separate computers, a single user console (keyboard, video and mouse) can be used to access each computer. |
why the monitor is blur and after 3 seconds it is off? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. That being said, it almost sounds like the VGA cable is not fully seated or is faulty, but a number of issues can cause a blurry display. Here are a couple things to check. 1. Check all of the connections to make sure they are fully connected. 2. Try a new VGA cable 3. Try connecting the monitor directly to the PC 4. Try a different monitor 5. Try connecting the attached computer to a different port or through a different KVM cable. 6. Make sure there is no electromagnetic interference from wireless devices or microwaves. For additional troubleshooting help, we would recommend contacting the manufacturer. The Aten eService portal can be located here: |
What's the hoy key to change between PCs? Thank you for your inquiry. to use the hotkey switching functionality, first enter hotkey mode by pressing [Ctrl][Shift][Alt]. Once in Hotkey mode, key in the port ID number then press [Enter]. You can also initiate the auto-scan mode by first invoking the hotkey mode and then keying in 0 (zero) and pressing [Enter]. |