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will this switch run one computer that has all usb ports and is on windows 8; and a second computer that has ps2 ports and runs windows xp. The keyboard uses ps2, and the mouse is a logic trackball that also uses ps2. Can all this be used together? Thank you for your inquiry. The manufacturer states this KVM switch supports both windows XP and Windows 8, so it should work. However, we have heard of some issues with Windows 8 and PS/2 devices. Having said that, we did note this unit has some keyboard emulation that may overcome the Windows 8 / PS/2 issue. Additionally, we have not heard of any problems involving this switch. Further, since this switch uses a PS/2 console, we cannot imagine the manufacturer stating Windows 8 support if it didn\'t perform as expected. Either way, due to complexity and variations in user environment, we could not guarantee any particular device would work in any particular environment. |
will this work with a USB wireless keyboard/mouse combo set? Thank you for your inquiry. Due to the very different way wireless peripherals communicate, the use of wireless keyboards and mice with KVM switches is pretty spotty. It is sometimes possible to use the USB hub of the KVM for wireless keyboards and mice, but that usually leads to loss of functionality. More often than not, it simply won\'t work. A few Aten models explicitly state support for wireless keyboards and mice, but those typically require individual wireless connections and almost never support the use of a single unifying dongle for both keyboard and mouse. Since this KVM does not explicitly state support for wireless peripherals, we would not recommend it for use with a USB wireless keyboard/mouse combo set. For the best performance, we always recommend using a basic, cabled keyboard and mouse. |
I have two Mac minis, w/one monitor, one keyboard, one printer, one mouse, one back-up time machine drive. I would like one switch to toggle between the two Minis. Do you have? Thank you for your inquiry, This should work with your current application. We recommend this be used with a wired keyboard, mouse, and monitor. |