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Hi, We are having trouble with our CE-700r unit. We had a power outage and now the remote controller is not working. The status light is off. Is there a way to reset this unit? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, due to the varied nature of user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ system. That being said, after reviewing the manual for the CE-700, we could not see any way to reset the remote unit. Your best bet may be to contact ATEN directly: |
Do you stock the CS Custom USB KVM Cable? If so, what is the cost? Thank you for your inquiry. According to our research, this unit used cable sets 2L5002U (6ft) and 2L5005U (15ft). The 2l5002U is available on our website here: At the time of writing, list price is $17.95 your cost is $15.75. |
Hi, All was working fine, we upgraded the desktops and OS from Windows XP to Windows 7. Any new mouse, regardles of make, does not work. Keyboard and Video still works. We have 38 installations, we need an answer urgenlty please. Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. Having said that here are a couple thoughts. First, make sure the devices work on the target computers directly. You can also try to use the most basic/wired-in mouse you can, sometimes emulation features will impact mulch-function mouse compatibility. Lastly, the CE700 may simply not be compatible with Windows 7. This can be caused in the different way in which Windows 7 handles USB peripherals. For more detailed product support, we would recommend contacting the manufacturer ATEN directly: ATEN has a support site with an FAQ located here: ATEN has also provided a trouble shooting flow chart that may help diagnose the problem. Those documents can be found here: |
Hi, I have an ATEN CE700A and my local display is working, but my remote display not. I am connect with the local and remote with an ethernet cable class 5E. My led at the remote controller is green fixe for the link and local. Thank you for your help Thank you for your inquiry, I am sorry to hear that. If you have already checked all the cable connections, and have tried changing the video resolution (make sure that resolution is supported), we would recommend contacting the manufacturers Technical Support at or (888) 999-2836 to resolve this issue. |