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Does the ADDER CCS-PRO4 have sound and mic? if not do you have a product that takes 4 PC and has sound and mic for a control room Thank you for your inquiry. The CCS-PRO4 does have support for sound; but unfortunately, there is no dedicated 3.5mm mic input. There are several USB ports that could be used to share a USB mic. For dedicated mic support there might be several options, depending on your specific needs. Please contact your KVM Switches Online Representative at 1-877-586-6654, via our online chat feature or by email: to discuss your project in greater detail. | ||
Is this product compatible with Apple OS10.10.x (Yosemite) and above? The old model I bought from you in 2012 works only with 10.9.x and below. Thank you for your inquiry, CCS-PRO4 units should work with Apple systems running OS X 10.xx.x. I had Adder test a CCS-PRO4 with a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.11.1 and had no issues with keyboard/mouse control. Please note that free-flow only works with Apple systems with a single monitor connected. Apple computers with two or more monitors would still work thru a CCS-PRO4 (or CCS4-USB) but Free-flow will need to be turned off. | ||
Does adder have a device to globally manage multiple PRO4's ? Thank you for your inquiry, As of 07/27/2018, not currently. Adder AIM Manager is only compatible with Infinity and C-USB-LAN devices. For now, CCS-PRO4 units need to be updated/configured independently. | ||
Would the CCS-PRO4 would support a peripheral Genovation keypad? e.g. Thank you for your inquiry, As long as the manufacturer of the keypad supports the use of USB hubs the device should work, connected to one of the USB switched ports. It will likely not work connected to one of the emulated ports. If the keypad needs to be switched between computers, when channels are changed – e.g. the user switches from computer 1 to 2 – the keypad will be disconnected from one computer and connected to the next. Depending on the computer treats these reconnects the keypad may not be available for a few seconds (till the USB enumeration process finishes on the computer). | ||
Are USB 3.0 cables supported with the CCS-PRO4? Thank you for your inquiry, USB 3.0 cables are not compatible with CCS-PRO. The USB 3.0 connector is a different size on the B side - a little taller. Please use Adder VSC24 (6ft) or VSC29 (15ft) USB cables to connect sources. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! | ||
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