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I would like to use with a tower and two or three hp laptop docks (8740W Laptop, MZ222UT#ABA Advanced Docking Station with Hard-drive). What procedure would be necessary to dock or remove one of the laptops when everything else is connected and running? Thank you for your inquiry, For consistent Enumerated USB switching and video EDID (essentially video resolution and frequency settings), Adder recommends to disconnect power from the AV4PRO-DVI and the re-connect it after changing user console or computer interface (in this case, connecting / disconnecting laptops). That is all you need to do; During the power up, the KVM will automatically ping and configure each attached device for use. Please refer to the Adder AV4PRO-DVI Manual for further information on configuring and operating the unit. Note, it may also be possible for your to swap-out the laptops without power cycle - see below for procedure. However, this second procedure is hypothetical and the AV4PRO-DVI is not designed for \'Hot-Swapping\'; We are unable to guarantee this method to work at all, or without any loss in functionality.
How do you get 2 USB (keyboard and mouse) to 1 USB type b? Thank you for your inquiry, To pass the keyboard and mouse signals from the user station to the source PCs, you connect a USB A-to-B cable from the KVM switch to each of the source PCs (the B-ends into the KVM switch, and A-ends into the computer). The cleanest way to do this is to use Adder\'s USB + DVI combo KVM cables which include connections for the video and USB. On the user station side, you simply plug in the cables from your keyboard and mouse into the KVM switch user station ports. |