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We use dual Barco medical monitors each with 1640x2048 resolution. Does the AV4PRO-DVI-QUAD-US support this resolution? The native resolution of the Coronis monitors is 3280 x 2048. If the monitors have two DVI connections per monitor, which I believe they do, than the resolution 1640 (half of 3280) x 2048 should work. If the monitors have a single DVI connection there is the possibility that the switch will only work in grey scale mode. Other considerations include: Our switches work with most, but not all, Barco calibration software versions. You may also need to enable hybrid DDC to turn on two-way DDC. This is a very specific application, to ensure a compatible solution it may be best to discuss your specific requirements over the phone. We can calculate the required bandwidth needed and find the appropriate switch for your application. Give us a call at 1-877-586-6654 to discuss your project in more detail. |
Does this switch Support wireless mice/keyboards - Specifically Logitech Unifying recivers Thank you for your inquiry. We have not tried this switch with wireless keyboards or mice. In general, however, using wireless keyboards and mice is very hit or miss when it comes to KVMs. This is related to the very different way in which wireless peripherals communicate and a KVM\'s internal mouse/keyboard emulation. We cannot guarantee a particular wireless setup will work with a particular KVM. That being said, customers who attempt to use wireless keyboards and mice find Avocent switches, like this model:, to work best. Alternatively, we have heard of some success when using a KVM equipped with a USB hub in addition to the USB console connectors. However, this typically results in some loss of functionality in regards to Hotkey switching and other keyboard supported functions. Again, it is a hit or miss proposition and we cannot guarantee any switch will work. For best performance and compatibility, we always suggest wired keyboards and mice. |
We would like to switch all four monitors between two computers as a minimum design. Even better would be if we could switch from all four monitors on one computer to the second computer being able to use 1, 2, 3, or all monitors. Will your switches allow either of these configurations? Thank you for your inquiry, This Adder AV4PRO-DVI-QUAD would be the ideal solution for conveniently and reliably switching all four monitors between two computers. AV4PRO-DVI-QUAD features a variety of features that assure video quality, device connections, sync, and easy switching via a push button, serial, hot-key combo, or via an optional remote. This unit does however switch all 4 monitors at once (note, not all monitors need to be plugged). If you want to be able to choose the monitors dynamically (i.e. display 1 and 2 from PC1 and display 3 and 4 from PC2), you could use a 8 port KVM-Over-Ip Switch instead (or as complementary) like the Raritan DKX3-108. Essentially, you would connect each of your computer DVI outputs to the ports, and the keyboard and mouse on i.e. ports 1 and 5. With this configuration, you could connect and pull up any of the monitor sessions as individual windows using a standard web browser. Switching would not be quite as fluid as with the AV4PRO-DVI-QUAD, but we do have a lot of customers using this method. For further assistance, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |