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Are there any end of life issues projected for this KVM? Is there another KVM I should be using instead? Thank you for your inquiry. We are not aware of any current EOL plans for this KVM. | ||
What is the difference between the AV3016 and the AV3200? Thank you for your inquiry. The AV3200 allows for two remote users while the AV3016 is a 16 port KVM that only has a single remote or IP user. | ||
Is the rack mounting HW included-I don't see it here? Thank you for your inquiry. Yes the mounting hardware is supplied. In addition to the switch itself, the AutoView 3200 comes with a local country (US) power cord, rack mounting brackets, Rack Mounting Bracket Quick Installation Guide, AutoView 3050/3100/3200 Switch Quick Installation Guide, and one null modem cable. | ||
What kind of adapter do i need to connect the AVRIQ-SRL to a Cisco and/or HP switch which have an RJ45 console? Thank you for your inquiry. According to the Avocent, the suggested way to connect to a Cisco or Sun Netra RJ45 Serial Port is to use the RJ-45 to DB-9 crossover adapter: ADB0037 | ||
Can I reboot a device like a server or network switch using IP KVM switch? Thank you for your inquiry. If we understand your question correctly, BIOS level access and software rebooting are pretty standard features of KVM over IP switches. However, for a cold reboot (from a powered down state) or hard restart (when the server is hung) a network addressable, outlet-switchable power distribution unit is required. In terms of network switching gear or other serial devices, the ability to do a soft-reboot will depend on the capabilities of the equipment. | ||
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