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My keyboard/mouse for my viewing console only has one USB connection for both touchpad and keyboard. Will this work for that. Thank you for your inquiry, Single USB connections are typically used with a wireless keyboard and mouse. Using wireless keyboards and mice is very hit or miss when it comes to KVMs. This is related to the very different way in which wireless peripherals communicate and a KVM\'s internal mouse/keyboard emulation. We cannot guarantee a particular wireless setup will work with a particular KVM. That being said, customers who attempt to use wireless keyboards and mice find cheaper KVM switches without USB emulation (AV2216 includes USB emulation). Alternatively, we have heard of some success when using a KVM equipped with a USB hub in addition to the USB console connectors. However, this typically results in some loss of functionality in regards to hotkey switching and other keyboard supported functions. If your keyboard and mouse powered through the single USB connection are not wireless, please contact us or respond to this message, and we would gladly walk you through your setup. |
does it come with a usb/RGB cable to connect the switch to a KMM Keyboard/mouse/monitor Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, the Avocent AV2216 does not come with an extension USB/RGB cable to connect the local user stations. Keyboard, mouse, and monitor are connected directly to the switch via the available USB and VGA ports. |
While using these KVMs for imaging computers does it allow you to broadcast to multiple computers? Thank you for your inquiry, The Avocent AV2216 allows 2 local users to concurrently acces sources connected to the KVM switch - so you can broadcast your imaging computers to two users. The optional RAK-Key allows a third IP based user to also access the connected sources from anywhere in the world via a web browser. The RAK-Key also allows for remote operating system installation & recovery, remote hard drive recovery or duplication, remote BIOS updating, and remote server backup. If you would like a recommendation based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative. |
is there an estimated End of Sale date for the AV2216? if so, what i sthe suggested follow on prouct? Thank you for your inquiry. The AV2216 has passed the End-Of-Sale stage of the product cycle on June 30, 2017 with no more available to purchase. End-of-Life is scheduled for June 30, 2022, (or last day of extended warranty). The suggested replacement is the AV3216-400, located here: |