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Can this switch work without video input? This switch is not designed to work without video, though in theory it may. We have not tested this feature so we cannot guarantee it. We do have a USB switch however that may fit the bill: |
Is it possible to run dual monitors with this switch Thank you for your inquiry, Dual monitor could theoretically be implemented with the the Avocent AV1515 using the built in \'Two-User Share Mode\' (both users gain access to a primary server). Essentially how you would do this is by connecting the keyboard, mouse, and monitor 1 to the local port 1, and then connecting only monitor 2 to local port 2. That being said, this has not been tested by Avocent, or by our team, and this unit has reached End-Of-Life / Discontinued status, so we are able to guarantee full functional capability. For further information on the \'Two-User Share Mode\' setup process, please refer to the Avocent AV1515 Manual. Alternatively, we have other solutions that can natively achieve a 8 port dual monitor KVM: - You can chain 2 of the Aten CS1788 for Dual Monitor. - You can also get any networked KVM-Over-IP KVM switch or multiple KVM IP Gateways - some models like the Raritan Dominion KX3 support \'follow\' mode for switching both monitors at once; All models that do not support \'follow\' mode can also be used in dual monitor mode by simply opening a separate session for the second monitor (i.e. port 1 would be connected to the keyboard, mouse, and monitor 1, while port 2 would be connected to only monitor 2). If you would like help choosing the ideal solution for your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |