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I have an Apex Outlook KVM switch, which supports PS-2 Mouse and Keyboard, my new server does not support PS-2 connections, are there any cables I can use to interface between the box and the server? would be an adapter that may work. Please note that using an adapter is not the ideal scenario for using a KVM and is not guaranteed. The ideal solution would be to USB KVM switch. Please let us know if you have any questions. |
Can this module be used in the place of the AMIQ-USB? Thank you for your inquiry. It does appear, at least in some applications, that the AMIQDM-USB can be used in place of the AMIQ-USB. They are both listed as compatible interface modules for the AMX analog KVM extender. |
Does this module require the AMX5130-AM user station or can it be used with older Avocent user stations like the AMX5120 and AMX5121? Thank you for your inquiry. According to Avocent, this module should work with the other AMX5000 switches and user stations. However, please note that the user station must also support audio and serial data connections to take advantage of those features. |
Is there a recommended replacement for this item? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately the analog AMX series has been discontinued. The recommended replacement is to migrate to the newer digital HMX or Matrix systems. The HMX transmitter recommended by Avocent as the replacement is the The HMX5100T-001 ( ), but that would not work with an existing AMX system. You can read the EOL notification here: |