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Can the TX and RX units be directly connected via CAT6 ethernet cable? Thank you for your inquiry. Due to the high bandwidths involved, for the initial release of the AdderLink 4000 4k series, the copper connections will not be active. So, unlike previous versions of the AdderLink Infinity, a direct connection over CAT6 (copper) will not be possible - at least initially. It may be possible to use a Fiber-to-Copper SFP module, however testing the fiber to copper SFP modules has just begun and no determination of viability has been made yet. Having said all that, it is possible to use the ALIF4000 series in a point-to-point (TX and RX units be directly connected) configuration; the high bandwidths needed to push 4k video will require the use of fiber optic cables. |
What 10GbE Switches are endorsed by Adder to run the InfinityLink 4000? Thank you for your inquiry, I have been speaking with Adder tech support, system test, and product management teams about the switch requirements. They say that every major switch manufacturer should have models that meet the requirements. System test were performed using HP 5700 FlexFabric JG896A and Hauwei CE6810-48S4Q switches in their lab. Provided the switch meets the requirements detailed in the "ALIF: Successful Implementation" post at and comes up with a "soft Yes" using this excel document calculators "10G" tab, the switch should work fine. The values that need to be entered into the calculator are usually found in the switch manufacturer’s data sheet for the switch model. Basics:
Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |