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Do you know how much this weighs? The shipping weight for this product is around 2 pounds, but that includes all the packaging. We are guessing well under 1 pound for the product itself. |
Is this cable available shielded, 7 foot? Thank you for your inquiry. we do not believe this adapter comes in a 7 foot length, however, we believe you can add additional CAT5 cable to reach the 7\' length required. Unfortunately, we do not have information regarding the type of cable used in this adapter, so could not comment on shielding. |
will this work for an Avocent CPS1610 to cisco? Thank you for your inquiry. According to our manufacturer contact, the ADB0039 should work. |
I ordered a D-Link wifi router online. It arrived with an Ethernet cord. The jack in my house only accommodates an old-school-sized phone cord. Would this adapter be the solution? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, no, this adapter would not work. This is a crossover connector used for some very specific serial connections. The old-school phone cord uses an RJ-11 plug and an Ethernet cord uses an RJ-45 plug. There are phone system adapters out there to convert RJ-11 to RJ-45, however, depending on how old they system is, the telephone cable in the wall going to the jack is probably quad-wire telecom cable and not twisted pair Ethernet cable. Generally, only two of the wires are connected in a home phone system; whereas a typical Ethernet cable includes 4 pairs of twisted cable, configured in a particular layout, to minimize interference. Each strand of the 4-pairs is connected to a separate pin for a total of 8 pins in use for a RJ-45 Ethernet jack. At most, an RJ-11 jack can support 6 wires. If possible, it would be best to plug the WiFi router directly into your modem using the cable supplied. If an in-wall solution is desired, it is likely new Ethernet cable will need to be run, and at the very least, the wall jacks would need to be rewired to accommodate the eight wires necessary for an Ethernet cable. |