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What is HTS and ECCN code of this product Hello, HTS: 8471.80.1000 ECCN: 5A002 Thanks! | ||
What are the connectors/receptacles on the ACS6032DAC-G2 and ACS6048DAC-G2, IEC C13 or C19 Thank you for your inquiry. The ACS6032DAC-G2 and ACS6048DAC-G2 use IEC C13. | ||
Which 5A002 sub-category does this belong in ex. a.1 a.2 etc., and is this restricxted or not restricted? Do you have a CCAT on file or the nunber and approval date? Thank you for your inquiry, Sorry for the delay, Avocent sent me the following in response to your acs6032dac 5A002 Trade Compliance inquiry: "The ACS6032DAC is self classified and it is not restricted. We do not have a CCAT on file. HTS: 8471.80.1000 " | ||
how to factory default device Thank you for your inquiry. Typically Avocent does not make this information publicly available and requires contacting Avocent support directly ( However, we did find one article referencing how to factory reset an ACS 6000 device (firmware version 2.4.05) via the console port using HyperTerminal Access: For additional information, please reference the ACS 6000 series manual located here: | ||
What is the ECCN and HTS for ACS8048DAC and ACS8016DAC? Thank you for your inquiry, The Avocent (by Vertiv) ACS8048DAC & ACS8016DAC units both have the following export classification: ECCN: 5A992 HTS: 8471.80.10 Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! | ||
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