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does it have a reset button? The manual does not reference a reset button. There is a Reset/Initialize hotkey sequence to "reset the switch/initialize the daisy-chain setup". You can also load the default factory settings from the OSD Control menu. We have uploaded the manual for you convenience. If you are looking for a password reset, you may need to contact Avocent directly. | ||
Hi, We have a large display screen in our office, we want to be able to view any one of 3 machines on it at any time. One of the machines is a desktop with its own keyboard and mouse, monitor, the other 2 are laptops with a second display attached. We want to be able to plug in to USB when required and replicate the machines display onto the main display screen. Will this KVM allow me to do this? Based on the preliminary information, it sounds like a KVM switch such as this would be an adequate solution. However, there is some more information to consider before determining if this particular product is the best choice. Particularly, the application of the laptops in the solution and how the "secondary displays" are integrated. Please give us a call at 1-877-586-6654 to discuss. | ||
Whether it has SNMP support Unfortunately no, this switch does not support SNMP. However, this IP KVM by Raritan does: | ||
Is this product NIAP approved? Thank you for your inquiry. This product is not specifically mentioned as being NIAP approved. For a selection of secure Avocent switches, that have varying levels of NIAP validation, please see: | ||
Does the kvm come with necessary cables? Thank you for your inquiry. To offer the greatest flexibility in selecting cable lengths, this switch doesn\'t ship with KVM cables. Select CBL0029 for 6 ft, CBL0030 for 9 ft, or CBL0031 for 15 ft connections. The unit does ship with a rackmount kit, power supply, daisy-chain cable, upgrade cable and a ground terminator. | ||
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