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how works? A Keyboard, Video, Mouse (KVM) switch allows a user to control more than one computer with a single keyboard, monitor and mouse. In this case, you would plug your 2 computers\' USB and Video ports into this switch the same way that you plug your keyboard, monitor, and mouse in. You then plug your keyboard, monitor, and mouse into the switch itself and are able to switch between 2 computers with the push of a button! |
I need more informations about how work your product, please!!!! The manual for the 52043 is now uploaded for your convenience. Thank you. |
how change one pc to another if this kvm don't have a button? (Cables To Go 52043) You will need to use the Hot Key function. To change the target, try [SCROLL LOCK],[SCROLL LOCK]. That should switch between the target computers. |
Hello I have several PC's Using this KVM Switch, but at some point the switches go numb & the mouse & keyboard stop responding. The only fix I found is to unplug the two usbs that are plugged on the PC's & plug them back in on a different port. Is there a special driver or a special method of setting these switches up as this occurs alot! Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, due to the complex nature of different user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. That being said, here are a couple of thoughts: There are no drivers or software used with this switch; it is purely a hardware based solution. The specifications state it is compatible with Windows /98 /98SE /2000/ME /XP/NT, NetWare, Unix, Linux RedHat 7.1 or higher, Sun Solaris 8 or higher, Mac O.S 8.6 or later versions. Some newer operating systems (Windows Vista, 7, 8.1...) may present difficulties. Keyboards and mice that require drivers/software for special features and/or wireless peripherals may also cause issues. When using KVMs it is typically best to use simple wired keyboards and mice, that do not require additional drivers. The manual linked above mentions a few trouble shooting steps including resetting the keyboard and mouse by unplugging them from the console port and plugging back them back in; or in more extreme cases resetting the switch by turning off the computers, unplugging the KVM cables, waiting 5 seconds, plugging the cables back in and turning on the computers (we would hope this would only need to be done infrequently). For additional support, we would suggest contacting the manufacturer directly at |