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Will the 2SVDVI20BND1-001 actually allow connection and concurrent use of 2 DVI monitors? The rear view of the 4 port KVM does show this capability. I assume the 2 port is configured the same? Yes, this switch will allow a dual monitor configuration. The 2 port has the same functionality, and will look the same as the 4 port, just a little smaller (with only 2 ports). | ||
Does it support: (1)Windows 7/64bit (2)Logitech SetPoint V450 wireless mouse (3)stable video (i.e. not flaky like Startech?) Thank you for your inquiry. (1) Yes, this switch supports 64bit Windows 7. (2) Wireless seems to be hit or miss on the KVM market. While we have seen some success using the USB 2.0 hub switches like this one, we cannot guarantee that it will work. (3) Yes, the video quality is very stable. Avocent makes a quality product and is one of the leaders in the KVM market. | ||
What cables are included in the cable sets? Thanks Thank you for your inquiry. This switch is bundled with two of the 6\' Avocent DVI USB audio cables, part number: CBL0046. | ||
2 cable sets are included with the 2-port, dual-head DVI Avocent 2SVDVI30BND1. What length and does the cable include connections for each of the dual-heads? This switch is bundled with two of the 6\' Avocent DVI USB audio cables, part number: CBL0046. This is a dual head cable. | ||
I want to connect my 17" Samsung DVI monitor and my 24" Dell DVI monitor to my Windows 7 PC and my Mac mini and have either drive both displays. Will this switch enable that? The Avocent SwitchView DVI 2SVDVI30BND1 KVM is hardware based without any software or additional drivers required for use, so in that sense it should work for your application. An assumption being that the attached computers support dual monitors as well. | ||
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