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What is the MTBF for this item? The Mean Time Before Failure for the Phantom Specter II PS/2 is 983,861 hours or 112 years, as reported by the manufacturer. |
Looking for simple device a user can plug into their video & usb device and plug into the network so i can remotely work on their pc. It sounds like you are looking for a single-user/single-port KVM-over-IP switch. The above product requires a manager in addition to this module. For your application, we would recommend the Dominion KX2-101-V2. The KX2-101-V2 provides secure, Non-blocked KVM-over-IP access to a single computer in a portable, palm sized package. |
do you have the "PHANTOM SPECTER 1SU51010/R REV. 1.8" ? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, no we do not have the "PHANTOM SPECTER 1SU51010/R REV. 1.8"and could not find a source to order from. |
We were using the part "Tripp Lite - Specter II PS/2 Remote Unit (0SU51012)" which seems to be obsolete now. We would like to get a replacement part for the same. Thank you for your inquiry, Which KVM Switch are you using the Specter II PS/2 Remote Unit (0SU51012) with? We will need that information in this case for a suggestion for a direct replacement from TrippLite. |
can i use both usb and ps2 on the same universal manager? Thank you for your inquiry, You should be able to use both USB and PS/2 sources with the same universal manager without any problems. Please let us know if there is anything else we can ever help you with! |