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Does this product support isochronous USB data transfer for newer web cameras? Thank you for your inquiry. According to Icorn, the USB 2.0 Ranger 2201 USB extender does support isochronous USB data transfer and explicitly states support for isochronous web cams. |
I bought an Adderview Pro (AV*PRO-DVI) KVM from KVM Switches. I need to locate mouse/keyboard about 30 feet away.I tried two USB 2.0 active extension cables from Startech but mouse connectivity is unstable with one (keeps switching speeds)and there is no USB connectivity with the KVM using the other. What is the best KVM USB extender to work with the Adderview Pro? Is the Icron 00-00297 the best choice or is there a better solution for reaching at least 30 feet? Thank you for your inquiry. Icron makes high quality USB extension products and this particular unit provides transparent USB extension. It should work great for extending your USB devices 30 feet. Please note however, this unit has only one USB port, so would need a hub for two or more USB devices. The Two port model can be found here: Depending on your specific needs, there may be other options available. Please contact your KVM Switches Online representative directly at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature to discuss your project in greater detail. |
Can this product support the use of Wireless Keyboards and Mice whose Dongle Receivers are plugged into the KVM USB Switch? If not is their a Model(s) that support using Wireless peripherals? Thank you for your inquiry. Wireless Keyboards and Mice are often difficult to determine compatibility because of the vast variety of manufacturers and technologies. With that said, it is very difficult to determine if a particular set will work accordingly with both your KVM switch as well as USB Extender. It has been our experience that transparent USB ports are used best for shared devices such as printers and hard-disks with wired USB connections. |